Shit Jobs

After 2 years, the heads are done.  I must say that after rebuilding my friend Keith's head on his previous boat, a Baba 30, and reworking Discovery's heads and holding tank, I can dismantle her heads and hoses with a minimum of sewage leaking onto our floors, and me.  It's still a shitty(literally), smelly job though. 

Replaced the siphon loop on the forward head with a valved one, and moved the old one to the rear head since that one did not have a siphon break on it's supply side.  Forward head is electric, so solenoid is wired to the push button switch for flushing, and closes when the button is pushed, providing good suction to supply flushing water to the bowl.

vented loop solenoid

Also replaced this.  our old clean out/inspection hatch on the holding tank.  Most of the bolts were frozen and had to be cut out.  Fun.  Once open, I did get to clean our holding tank all the way down to the nasty bottom.  More Fun.  Actually it wasn't too bad, I had the hatch open, then called for the marina's mobile pump-out skiff, and blasted the insides and bottom with water while he sucked everything out.

New hatch with a clear screw out port for your viewing pleasure
Let me know if you want to see more.  I'll be happy to send you a shitload of shitty shots.  All puns intended.


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