I am finally getting around to updating our blog. Better late than never. The following posts are from our trip from Ensenada, BCN, Mexico to San Carlos, Sinaloa, Mexico. Enjoy!

Day 1 : 2/15/16
Departure Day

We cast off our bow lines today and headed approximately 65 NM South for Cabo Colonet. We departed Marina Coral in Ensenada at 4:30 am and said our goodbyes to good friends Miguel, Mike and Judy.

The marine layer was thick upon departure and dew point extremely high until mid morning when the sun broke free. Clear skies graced Discovery as we motored South. Average speed is 6 Knots.

Blue skies continued through the motor to Colonet. Several pods of whales, dolphins and curious seals greeted Discovery as she neared her anchorage. Endless miles of rugged mountains and royal blue ocean surrounded us. My soul is smiling with delight.

Day 3: 2/17/2016

Cabo Colonet to Bahia San Quintín

After two glorious nights and a lazy day of sun bathing, hammock swinging and dinghy rides we pulled up anchor at Colonet. We departed at 645 am for Bahia San Quintín approximately 40 NM South.

The morning is clear and dry. Winds are 2 knots right on Discovery's nose so we our motoring again. The ocean is calm as can be with a crisp horizon. In the far distance we can see three of the eleven volcano cones dotting the coast line and Isla San Martín.

Myron turned on the generator at 8am to start making some water to fill the tanks. Meanwhile Scooby patrolled the decks looking for birds to bark at. Our fuel is down to 100 of 130 gallons (not including the reserves in the lazarette) and will top off the tanks once we arrive in Turtle Bay.

I spotted several pangas (small local fishing boats) while on watch this morning. I hope we make contact with one when we anchor is San Quintín. Fish or lobster would accompany my steak dinner that I have planned quiet nicely.

We arrived in San Quintín at 3:30 pm and averaged 5 knots motoring today. Shortly after being anchored a panga approached and we traded a quart of motor oil for a half dozen of pismo clams. Steamed clams and steak tonight. The marine layer is quickly surrounding us and the small town by the minute. Anchor down beers in progress. Cheers!

Day 4: 2/18/16
Anchored at San Quintín

We woke to cloudy skies and glassy water around 8am and starting to plan our overnight sail to Bahía de Tortugas on Friday. Weather and wind forecasts look great for the 180 NM sail South. With just the two of us we will take 3 hour shifts during the night until we arrive. I plan on prepping all of our snacks and meals before our departure.

Myron spent the afternoon installing 12V DC receptacles at the nav as well as interfacing the ship's GPS signal with Open CPN (chart plotting software). I made four Italian subs and tuna salad for tomorrow's meals and snacks.

The clouds started to clear for a brilliant sunset and happy hour.

We are very excited to be underway to Bahía de Tortugas!


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